Blogging seems to be the last thing I think of doing lately. This summer has just flown by and we have seemed to be doing something crazy every weekend lately. Now that the summer is over and school has started maybe I will have a bit more time to write things down, lets hope anyway.
So last weekend we went to Idaho Falls to visit Cody's Dad, Step mom and a bunch of his friends from High School. We had a blast it is always fun to go back and see everyone. I am not sure Idaho Falls is anywhere I would want to live but it sure is nice to visit. Noble thought Grandpa's house was paradise! He has a HUGE green yard that backs up to the river, a dog that Noble seemed to adore, Grandpa bought him a Dora The Explorer movie and let him fall asleep watching it which we never let him do and he woke up to chocolate milk every morning. Needless to say Noble has a good time visiting Grandpa's house.
The hard thing is the repercussions for Noble having such a great time. He has turned into an absolute monster this week. At daycare he seems to think every toy is his he is starting to bite other kids and scream MINE at them if they come anywhere near something he decides he wants. Of course we are not letting him get away with it we have been trying the time out method currently and it seems to work at the time it keeps him okay for a while. I am really hoping it is all just a phase and he will be back to my sweet boy soon!
Anyway speaking of my adorable monster he is currently calling so I will have to add more of our summer adventures at another time.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Camping Trip
So every year my family gets together for a big camping trip and this year was no different. We went to the North Fork of the Boise River with 3o something friends and family. This year I was a little worried about Noble since he has just started walking I thought he would either get hurt or not be able to leave my side because he was scared. He surprised me and did a great job he walked everywhere even through the rocks and sticks. He was super independent and he had a great time poking things with sticks and chasing the dogs. He even did a great job sleeping in the tent although he would have much rather been out playing with the big kids then taking naps he was tired enough that he could not fight it. Cody had a good time playing in the water, riding the 4 wheeler, and helping with the great dinners. I had a great time visiting with family and watching the boys adventure around camp. All in all we had a great time and I can not wait until next year and it has made me very excited for our big camping trip with our friends this August.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy 4th of July!!
We had a great night last night. We did not have plans until Matt, Ammo, Jrad, and Tom invited us over for a BB. It was a blast they set up a big tv outside and we watched movies, ate and set off fireworks. I was really proud of Noble he was in a really good mood dancing for everyone and being goofy he even stayed up until 10 without throwing one fit! We are so lucky to have such great friends. We were the only ones there with a kid and they were all so happy to have Noble there. Thanks guys for a great night! We had a blast and we can't wait for plenty more BBQs this summer!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I am horrible at this blog thing...

So everyone has asked me to update so I thought I would try to try to catch it up to date a little. Noble is doing great he turned one in April and after just a month of crawling he is walking well more like running everywhere! His torticollis is still there but you can only notice his head leaning when he is tired or not feeling well. They say that you can never really cure it so I guess we will have to see. He is also talking up a storm too many words really for me to list them all he is practically a parrot repeating everything he hears.
We finally got family pictures they turned out great and they were a blast to do. Noble did very well for the most part. He didn't get crabby but he did have a hard time looking at the camera with all of the other neat things around him to look at.
So far our summer has been going great we have been able to have a lot of fun with our friends and family and hope to be able to see more of everyone as the summer goes on. Actually next weekend we are going on a huge family camping trip and we are very excited! The only scary thing is as I mentioned Noble is walking every where and so I am sure he will have lots of things to get into to get himself into trouble.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Cody and I have been living without internet for quite awhile now which has made blogging pretty much impossible. I will try to be more on the ball now that our internet is up and running again. Now to catch things up a bit Noble's Torticollis is doing better. I am not sure he will ever be "cured" but he has been doing physical therapy for the past 6 months and it has really been helping. He has gone from just laying on his back to rolling over, to rolling every where, then to scooting on his belly and for the past few appointments we have been trying to get him to crawl. He is already starting to pull himself up to standing and side stepping around the living room. So anyway at his last appointment his therapist decided that he might just be one of those babies that will never crawl and so she is letting him "graduate" after one more session next month.YAY!!!
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